Medialister changelog
October, 2024. 2nd Batch.

Big issues are easy to notice, making them easy to get your hands on. Small and itty-bitty ones are another story. At a glance, some aspects may not seem important enough to take any efforts yet. Minor copy changes, pixel-to-pixel nuances, different states when you interact with elements, incosistent capitalizations, not matching border radii... Yet, when you do care about such seems-to-be trifles, someone else notices it. Then, another person. And a few others for it to have a compound effect. Eventually, everyone sees these elements woven into the core of the product and, subsequently, into the business.
New stuff was released during the last two weeks:
New traffic sources on the format page: Email and Display Ads
Examples of articles in the format pages will show you how your content will look.
All the recently fixed issues and small improvements to notice:
Yerkebulan revamped the states for order cards. Now, it's clear which order is currently selected. The hover effect is more visually distinguishable, and there is a new red attention state.
Changes in the marketplace filters:
Now you can choose different types of hyperlinks in Filters together
Filters Meta Tags, Tracking Pixel, Backdated were moved to Other Conditions
Some filters were renamed for clarity
The filters Unique Text and No Hyperlinks were removed as they were not relevant
Filters now expand more smoothly in the marketplace
Changes on the format page:
Some media formats were previously impossible to open, but now they are fixed
The SEO metrics now include information on the last update
Sometimes, the format page displays a content limit of 99,999 symbols, which essentially means no limits. We now refer to this instead of that ridiculous number.
Some SEO metrics and conditions were underlined, suggesting that they have explanations in a tooltip. In reality, they do not. Now, only those with explanations are underlined.
Bounce rate is expressed as a percentage (e.g., 0.65 becomes 65%).
The fixes to the authentication flows:
The login page now redirects users to the dashboard without refreshing the page
The authentication flow copy was revised to sound more natural
The orders:
The order cancellation now includes a confirmation popup to prevent accidental actions
Now, requesting changes for a published article is a much smoother experience. Click "Request Changes," fill in the input with the specific changes you want, and send it back for review.
Rodion and Pavel fixed the first article onboarding to respond properly to the events at each step
Fixed the error that prevented editing a campaign
The cart was resetting when refreshing the checkout page in the browser, but now it isn't
Don't stop to keep attention.