Medialister changelog
October, 2024. 1st Batch.

In Estonia, it's this season when it's rainy, +2°C at mornings, and so gray outside that all the photos looks b&w. This weather will continue until April, with a few rare exceptions. In some opinons, the best time to work.
Meanwhile, we have prepared some new updates:
Daniil covers your needs with the new similar media block on the format page
Bookmarks are now fully functionable
Yerkebulan and Daniil introduce a new feature that allows you to cancel your orders. Simply click the three-dot button on an order to access this option.
We have added a lot of new filters to the marketplace:
Accepted sensitive topics
Number of hyperlinks and their types
Extra features available by conditions, such as the ability to publish with images or provide a homepage announcement.
The batch of updates also has fixes and improvements as usual:
Preventing the marketplace selection popup from staying on the page when nothing is actually selected in the table
Switching between organizations is now smoother. Previously, some information from the previously opened organization remained in certain parts of the interface.
Yerkebulan has ensured that the "Show Older Activities" button does not appear if there are, well, no older activities to display.
Pavel has fixed the copy for some activities (oops, no one anticipated the situation where an activity states, "an order was moved from to another campaign")
Now, every format provides more information on sensitive topics, indicating which ones are accepted by the media and which are not.
Rodion did a lot of work behind the scenes. I’ll quote him since this is more in his area of expertise:
Proper state management is here. This crucial change will enhance user-friendly navigation. For example, it will allow access to specific orders beyond current campaigns and organizations, and it should resolve quite a lot of state management bugs.
As usual, stay tuned! Be sure to not forget to take your vitamin D if necessary.