Medialister changelog
November, 2024. 2nd Batch

Freshly squeezed:
Rodion has revamped the invitation modal window for better usability by removing unnecessary steps and adding explanations for the roles.
The pile of fixes:
The client dashboard changes:
New members are now correctly redirected to the organization they were invited to
Now it's harder to miss when the conditions of a placement change in one of the orders, as we now mark such orders with a red attention state
We continue to face several issues with the revamped roles and access to various features. Pavel, Daniil, and Rodion are gradually addressing these problems.
The notifications counter is now displayed in the projects and campaigns menu, making it clear where you should focus your attention
If the price for a placement changes, we will prevent any surprises by showing you the new price with all fees included
If there is not enough money in the balance to accept the new price for the changed placement conditions, we will direct you to the top-up flow with the funds already set up for addition. All you need to do is click a button.
You cannot continue with a placement until you either accept the new conditions or decline them and choose another media. The choice is yours.
The marketplace improvements:
The media in bookmarks can now be filtered
Yerkebulan has enabled sharing of bookmark folders and saved views through a link. Simply click the three-dot button and select "Share."
The emails updates from Pavel:
The emails now come from "Medialister" instead of "no-reply", making them more distinguishable in inboxes
Fixed the bug when the order card in emails displayed the media name twice instead of the placement format
Other miscellaneous changes:
The format date was changed everywhere from "12.11.2024" to "12. Nov 2024"
Inside Medialister
Medialister has emerged as a logical evolution of PRNEWS.IO. We have redesigned and rebuilt everything from scratch to ensure that the experience we provide matches the quality of the products we admire and were inspired by. This journey has not been short, and we have encountered many changes along the way. As a result, some parts of the product do not feel integrated; they seem like isolated features rather than cohesive elements. So, the so-called journey is far from over.
One example is projects, which is somewhat buried and difficult to access. However, this is where you invite your team. We see that some users struggle to find the invitation button or even realize that collaboration with their team is possible in Medialister.
We do not yet know how we will address this issue exactly, but we are determined not to leave it unresolved. Because we are building a product, not just a collection of features in isolation. The marketplace recommendations should align with your current campaign goals and should not simply be another page on Perhaps you need links in already SEO-optimized articles published by others. You might even find that you don't need a marketplace right now and just want to make a bid to free yourself of the choices. Or you'd prefer to choose a bundle crafted for you. We can create five pages to accommodate all of that and put a sales person to tel you all about it. Or we can provide a seamless experience.